Emergency Psychiatric Service (EPS)
Emergency Psychiatric Service (EPS)
We provide 24-hour emergency psychiatric service (EPS) to hospitalize unmanageable, aggressive and or violent clients with mental health or substance abuse related disorders.
What we do
We have an adequately trained medical team who, upon requisition form guardians/ care takers brings violent and unmanageable clients to the clinic for appropriate management. Our medical team members comprise of a medical doctor, psychiatric nurse and health assistants. When clients arrive at the clinic, they are appropriately assessed for an immediate care plan followed by consultation by a psychiatrist for further treatment plan.
Who may need such service?
Conditions requiring Emergency Psychiatric Service may include acute psychosis (schizophrenia, bipolar mood disorder), substance abuse, physical or verbal violence or other rapid changes in behavior.
Violence can also be associated with other conditions such as acute intoxication, paranoid personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, borderline personality disorder or other neurological impairment
Is EPS important/necessary?
Yes, it is.
During an acute episode of psychosis, drug induced psychosis or violence from other medical causes, there is a risk that someone may harm himself/herself, his/her family member or others. So, it is extremely crucial to take necessary steps to keep both the client, his/her family members and others safe.
What is the goal of an EPS?
Care of patients requiring EPS usually encompasses crisis stabilisation followed by assessment and treatment plan.
Is EPS a common need?
The demand for emergency psychiatric services has rapidly increased throughout the world since the 1960s, especially in urban areas.
How can we/I avail this service?
- Guardians/care takers can contact us with a referral for EPS from a psychiatrist or another health professional.
- Guardians can directly call us at 01711243820.
Apply for EPS
Office Hours
- Open 7 days a week
- Sunday-Saturday
- 8 am to 10 pm.
Emergency Psychiatric Service (EPS)
- Contact number
- 01718333133
- 01711243820
- 029114550